When i began looking to buy my 16v all i ever wanted was to have a mint standard clio 16v.
I have owned this one since march last year it had 70k on the clock when i bought it body work was tidy was in pretty good nick for its age, me and a couple of mates spent a good couple of hours going over it.
I have had quite alot of repairs done on it over the last year even jobs that didnt need replacing like clutch cable, brakes etc just so it would feel that little bit newer.
Within this year of owning it some arseholes have crashed into the front of it when it was parked now it needs a new front bumper, grill and the plastic bit which runs under the headlamp. Im still waiting for insurance to sort it out, which to be honest i dont think i will get anything due to the lack of co-operation from the party responsible. ( its been a year and they still havent got his details)
Ive had it keyed on the boot and down the side and now a couple of door dents on 1 rear 1/4 panel.
Im convinced the wrong springs are on my car due to the cowboys who changed them for after market ones.( just seems higher as if they were ordanary clio springs)
To me now it just seems completely tatty and would need even more money spent on it to get it to the standard that it was when i first bought it like a full respray, alloy wheel refurb, suspension overhaul......
Since ive bought it all i seem to have done is have it in the garage if only for little things. Im now pissed off that i keep spending money on it and im gonna need at least a grand minimum to get it how i want it.
Everyday i think that i could just get a new car and a big loan at least ill have the warranty and the joys of the new car.
Ive done nearly 80k and i dont think i can be botherd to spend more money on a car thats this old, buy the time i get that sort of money together i have to say to myself is it really worth it im quite literally throwing 1000s of pounds away, spending spending spending.........
It feels like i havent had to chance to proprely enjoy it and ad subtle mods as ive always wanted.
Sorry to bore you all with my life story but this is just what plagues my mind every day!!!!