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Android for business use

As above, Android for business use?

How do you guys go about it.

We currently use E71's, we are phasing them out with Androids.

In order to get the market place working and all the other aspects, you need to have a google account.

I really don't want to have to setup a gmail account for everyone who has a company phone.

Have you guys just setup one account and used it multiple times?


I can't believe that Android doesn't currently support RADIUS !!!!
  Listerine & Poledo
Some androids are fluent in over 10 million forms of communication, that's pretty handy for the business user.



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Forget it. Its so fragmented.

I'm not even sure if you can manage devices on mass like you can with BB/iOS/S60orwhateverthef**kitscallednow
BBerry doesn't work with our exchange servers, we are tight and I personally don't like them.

All I want is an easy tool, I would love iPhone's at work, they just work perfectly but they are too much money, plus I will probably end up smashing someone in the face, because they don't look after the laptops/phones I give them.

Do like the Nokia's but recently the mail for exchange products have been sh1te and hence looking at Android (HTC)
  Listerine & Poledo
I know your pain.

When my E75 died, I was gutted that I wound up with a 61.

The individual users can set-up a gmail account under tehir own names, but they dont have to use it. If they need applications from the market, can they expense the costs back?

But I now pick up work mail (outlook exchange) through my Android phone, no problem.
We use them now, nokia's are shite, BB needs its own server which is a PITA, and in general we've found android works better for exchange than iphone, as well as the cost involvement. They only pita is needing a gmail account, but its easy enough to set one up.

Didn't you make a similar thread a while back?
  182FF with cup packs
You can have the same account on multiple devices.

I run my gmail account on two phones and a tablet. All purchased software appears on all devices and can be downloaded to all devices without paying for it again.
We use them now, nokia's are s**te, BB needs its own server which is a PITA, and in general we've found android works better for exchange than iphone, as well as the cost involvement. They only pita is needing a gmail account, but its easy enough to set one up.

Didn't you make a similar thread a while back?

I did indeed, thanks for replying then and now.

Do you just use one google account? Or set one up for each person? Additionally, do you remove the market place? Apologies for all the questions, it's just a bit of a pain
It would take longer but I would use individual email accounts. If you use 1 company account and then people start turning the contact sync thing on then when 1 person adds their Dad or whatever then that contact will be synced with all other devices that have the option turned on.
We use separate accounts for each person. Not removed the market place, just give them a bollocking if they install loads of crap but they generally don't. Obviously if they buy something they will have to register their own card.
Ah ok. Maybe I can create a free Google Apps account, with our domain, without changing the MX records, create the users and see if that works :s
Can only have a maximum of 10 users on a free google apps account.

Gash, you could have 50 before :( that screws that idea.

Can't be arsed to setup 50 individual Gmail accounts. Android is gay for business use :s
