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another new member

  1994 Clio 1.2
I'm Michael , 21 from sw London, have recently been given a 1.2 1995 Clio MK1,

Car been standing for over a year , i'v come across this forum when looking for info on replacing cam belt etc...

I havent even picked the car up yet lol, will be doing so in the next week and will post some pics if wanted.

  1994 Clio 1.2
thanks for the welcome :approve:

Last time i see the clio it looked like it just fell out of a cereal box,rolled through pimp my ride and straight into the hands of a 12 year old , so will be de-modifying in a way when i get my hands on it.

Don't even have the car yet but have a cupboard full of spares for it already lol

Not sure on where to post my questions about engine stuff , wanted to know if a 1.6/8 engine can be fitted and still retain the original running gear?

Thanks again
There's a section to post questions about engines etc mate about half way down the forum.

Good luck with it, get it in the project section.
