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Any car detailers in North East


ClioSport Club Member
  Damage repaired
Looking for someone in the North East to do the ST when the weather picks up a bit and hopefully learn a little from them.Let me know if you know anyone please.

  1.2 Extreme
Have you tried Detailing world? I think that would be you best bet, unless someone on here can help.


ClioSport Club Member
  Damage repaired
Was gonna try Detailing world but thought i would give it a shot on here first,to put some money in a CS members pocket.
  Black 182
Theres a guy on detailing world called paul (wonderdetail) and he's really good, He also hosts most of the detailing world north east meets, which if your looking for advice is a good thing to go along to and wont cost you anything.
  CS Dungeon
i'd come up and do it for you, but would have to tie it in with another job really to make it worth while.
Me - Hull - £70

Machine Polish
Polish again by hand
Wax or Seal.

Altho i dont travel and you need to occupy yourself with something to do during the day.
