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any way of....??

  Clio 1.4 16v
depends what sub you're using mate, the suwoofer instructions will tell you the optimum enclusure size and whether it should be ported or not.
kk, my mate is using a alpine type r (SWR-1222D) & the recomened encloser is 24.1Litres

but what are the measurements i need in cm??



  Focus RS & Clio 172
To make a 3 dimensional enclosure, multiply the litres figure the sub needs (in the instructions/spec leaflet) by 1000. Then divide it by the width in cm you'd like it to be, divide that by the height and you're left with the depth that it'd need to be.

Just make sure the height and width is enough to cope with the face of the sub and depth of the box can cope with the depth of the sub.

Add the sub displacement figure to your litres figure before you start unless you plan to mount it arse out and just play with the figures and measurements until you get a suitable shape. It can be any shape you like so long as the air volume remains the same.


  Focus RS & Clio 172
^^^^oh and its all internal measurements you're working with so mind and add the width of the wood before cutting anything...
  Clio 1.4 16v
Do a 13 inch sguare cube m8 and thats perfect, if you want it accurate, go to you're local b&q warehouse, they do woodcutting and it will be spot on, i work at b & q and we make speaker boxes all the time on our timber saw
  Clio 1.4 16v
Sloping is just for effect, bass frequencies are non-directional so within an enclosure the sound travels the same


  Focus RS & Clio 172
^^^^Basic way, add the same cms to the base as you take off the top panel and make the sides to fit....
  Clio 1.4 16v
^^correct, makes building a lot harder thogh, takes a decent jigsaw to cut good accurate sloping edges
  Clio 1.4 16v
yeh, straight lines are fine for a cube, but if you want to make elaborate shape boxes you will need a half decent jigsaw, i should know, made enough of em at b & q
