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Anybody bought these springs ?

I've just brought them so hopefully they fit and hopefully they arent a load of crap!
Would it be vital to upgrade shocks and dampers?
  Clio mk3
They are good springs. And that is a goo price as I paid £90 for them last year. Here's my car on them with cup turinis spaced 20mm on back.




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  Clio MK3
Just got mine delivered today and hunted about the house for clamps and couldn't find any so looks like a trip to halfrauds in the morning and get them fitted lol hoping it all goes to plan lol, as for the shocks I'm nearly finished my 2nd year mechanics and was advised to get new one as the old ones would end up bursting a seal but going to put them on first see how low it goes and then order new shocks was thinking along the lines of koni ones I know not the very best but not the worst especially when I'm on a budget lol
  Clio mk3
Just got mine delivered today and hunted about the house for clamps and couldn't find any so looks like a trip to halfrauds in the morning and get them fitted lol hoping it all goes to plan lol, as for the shocks I'm nearly finished my 2nd year mechanics and was advised to get new one as the old ones would end up bursting a seal but going to put them on first see how low it goes and then order new shocks was thinking along the lines of koni ones I know not the very best but not the worst especially when I'm on a budget lol
I've had no problems with these springs on standard shocks,get a picture up when fitted:)
