Well, I had it on pre-order for nearly two years from Play for the PC. I played it a fair bit when I first got it, but to be honest, I found it quite underwhelming.
I loved the first game - which along with the original Red Alert title were the first two online games I played, back in the 28.8k modem days.

Then when Diablo 2 came out, I put even more time into it. The music, the cinematics, the characters (whom I applaud Blizzard for allowing a necromancer to be a character choice) - seemed to significantly improve on the original game.
Then D3 arrived. I don't know if Blizzard had been side-tracked and blinkered too much by that cash-cow that is WoW, but D3 is a distinctly go-through-the-motions type of game. It looks pretty, but it's bland - I feel that the character development is handled far better by the superior Titan Quest - Immortal Throne game. I really wanted to get enthralled by the story and pulled into it, but it just never happened for me and as such, I've not logged into my Battle.Net account for going on a year now.
I'm also puzzled as to why Blizzard released this game on the 360 when the console is clearly well past pensionable age? It's not a game I would traditionally associate with the console platform either? I'm not saying that consolers
shouldn't have D3 - but I just don't see it being a key seller for the console market. Just in the same way that the non-management FIFA games are rarely pushed on the PC platform.
In summary - a slightly odd console choice, left way too long to be released and one that has been done far better by other games out there. Worth it if you find it cheap, but I'd definitely not spend top dollar on it.