Remove the ECU from the car, open it up (4 torx screws), remove the circuit board from the case.
Know the hard part, you have to de-solder the chip that is currently in the board (best bet is an electronics/tv repair kinda place), but youll need to remove the chip in one piece, as if your star chip dont work (like mine) youll need to put the original chip back in.
Once the chip is out of the board, you then need to fit an IC holder (it solders into the board and then allows you to fit whatever chip you like.
Once the holder is in, plug in the Star chip (the right way round!), fit the ECU back into the car and fire it up!
Seriously though, if your not VERY competent with a soldering iron, I would not try this yourself.. VERY easy to knacker your ECU/chip.. Youve been warned!