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Anyone on the "3" phone network?


ClioSport Club Member
Whats it like, i know it had a bad reputation when they first started up but iv heard its got alot better? do you have any issues with signal?
  RS Megane DCi 175
I'm on it - can't knock it really.
I'd say I get a really good signal about 97% of the time. The packages they offer are good value though.
  Suzuki Ignis Sport
It is a lot better than wen it first started.

Signal is fine my end, but not sure about other regions etc.

Haven't had to call up their customer services, but im sure it would be a lot better than the s**t bags i get put through to with Vodafone.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
My mate had the biggest headache trying to cancel his contract when it was close to the end. They wouldn't listen to him and just kept offering him new deals, so I took the phone off him and started shouting at them lol

However their deals seem good which makes up for crap service but think you can only use three sims in three phones, as in you cant chuck the sim into a normal unlocked spare phone as you could do with an o2, vodafone sim.

Edit: This was just before xmas with three.

Haz: I found if you got a tit on the phone to voda customer services, call up and talk to someone else. When I wanted my PAC code, the guy said I'd have to wait a few days for it to come in the post but I needed there and then for a new contract, so I rang up again and the next person gave it to me over the phone.
  Suzuki Ignis Sport
Wen they start offering you things, just tell them that nothign is going to stop me from ending the contract, so quit ur jibba jabber fool. lol
Its really good imo.

I do everything online so I dont have to speak to Ranjit and the coverage seems spot on.
  LY V6 with Recaros
I'm with them now. Only had the contract about a month but they seem ok. The only place I have a problem with coverage is round my boyfriends, but it's crap signal on most networks tbf. They seem to offer good packages and are really cheap, I'm pretty pleased with them so far.
  SLK250 CDI
Expensive...but more minutes than you could possibly use
Signal is OK most places I've used it, obviously varies a lot locally
Customer service is absolutely terrible if anything goes wrong and you need to complain
  BMW M135i
Had 3 contracts in a row with them up until last april, never had a problem really. Would go with them again if they hadn't started the stupid new thou shalt have an 18 month contract system.
  Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi 150
Best Value for Money Network out there. I've had them all but Vodaphone cuz I found them too expensive. Stayed on 3 now cuz had the best overall service and no problems in 3 years.
I have a three on pay as you go and the signal coverage is the best I've experienced. I also have an 02 phone for work and the contrast between the two networks is amazing. Similar expeience with Vodafone and orange when work have also used in the past. None as good coverage as three.
