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Anyone work for EE?


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
If so you work for a terrible company! :dead:

Trying to get my old iPhone 5S unlocked atm... started the application on the 21st September, and was told it would take between 3-7 days. Obviously it's now the 10th day and still nothing.

I started by contacting EE on Twitter, and eventually they gave me a number to ring. I did so, and spoke to someone who said he'd pass on my concern and I'd receive and email within a few hours. That was 34 hours ago...

Tweeted them again this time to no reply. Tomorrow I shall ring them again. Is there any point in going in-store? Usually they just tell me to ring again... it's only annoying me so much as I've actually sold this now and the new owner is desperate to get it working! Really holding him up.

Any advice appreciated.


ClioSport Club Member
Call customer services?
Write a letter to a director?
Does Twitter really count as an acceptable way to communicate with a service provider about support for an ongoing issue?


ClioSport Club Member
Agreed they're horrific company. I logged a complaint with CISAS and got my contract cancelled 5 months into a 24 month the service was that bad. Never again will I put up with them.
Store won't be able to do anything. iPhones are usually pretty quick to get unlocked through EE so something will have gone wrong somewhere. I wouldn't bother with Twitter or anything, just call 150 from your phone or the normal customer services number and tell them what has happened so far and that you want a resolution to it whilst you are on the call.

If that fails then EE's complaint team is:

Customer Relations
6 Camberwell Way
Tyne and Wear

Explain what has happened and what you have done so far to get the unlocking done, state that the site says 7 days, unhappy etc. They will respond within 72 hours of receiving the letter.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
My mate does and he admits theirs a lot of s**t people working there.

i phoned up the other day to get a cheaper price plan but they couldn't as its company policy to change price plans. Tried to get a bigger data allowance and couldn't. But they did give me a £4 reduction on my bill from now on at which I kept hassling them.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I took out a contract for £22 a month, they actually charge me £22 a month, a first for any contract I've had, they have amazing signal compared to any other ive used. What more do I need.


ClioSport Club Member
My mate does and he admits theirs a lot of s**t people working there.

i phoned up the other day to get a cheaper price plan but they couldn't as its company policy to change price plans. Tried to get a bigger data allowance and couldn't. But they did give me a £4 reduction on my bill from now on at which I kept hassling them.

I hate EE, but I've complained so many times I have too many discounts to move to another network.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I hate EE, but I've complained so many times I have too many discounts to move to another network.

Im not a fan off EE either, been with T-Mobile for 12 years plus with the 50% off Friends and Family. Now with EE crossing over got 40% off now and with EE you get f**k all I think T-Mobile was far better. I'm on the 42 plan or there abouts with 1GB data and unlimited text and calls. paying about £20 with the discount off so it's not too bad.


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
Call customer services?
Write a letter to a director?
Does Twitter really count as an acceptable way to communicate with a service provider about support for an ongoing issue?

Did you read my post? I said I've already phoned them and will be doing so again tomorrow... and if Twitter isn't 'acceptable' then why do they provide that as a valid way to contact them?

Thanks for the address Krispwee I'll send them a letter if nothing's advanced by the weekend!

To be fair, overall I find EE okay. I've had a couple of complaints over the years and they've been dealt with pretty well. I don't mind how long the unlocking takes etc. I just don't like being lied to. If it's going to take more than 7 days don't say it'll be less, and if you say you're going to email me, bloody well do it!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
It's crazy how much cheaper they are than the rest though. A comparable voda contract is miles away.

I do find it embarrassing that their website has serious issues, totally fecked when trying to do anything on it. Especially on an iPhone or iPad.


ClioSport Club Member
Did you read my post? I said I've already phoned them and will be doing so again tomorrow... and if Twitter isn't 'acceptable' then why do they provide that as a valid way to contact them?

Sorry chap, my tone was genuinely inquisitive but I can see how you might have read it as aggressive.

I genuinely thought companies would use Twitter to push messages and advertising, rather than have people monitoring their feed for complaints & queries, that must be pretty difficult to manage.

In my experience there are hundreds if not thousands of customer service agents so keep calling back, daily if you have to, and you might get through to a really helpful one.

Good luck getting it sorted.
  V6 255, 172 cup, ph1
Agreed they're horrific company. I logged a complaint with CISAS and got my contract cancelled 5 months into a 24 month the service was that bad. Never again will I put up with them.

had pretty much the same after 30+ hours on the phone to them. Barstewards.


ClioSport Club Member
I can hand drop a note for you straight into their massive office here? I can see it from where I'm sat.

Save you the postage.

Francois Cleme is their Chief of Customer Service.


ClioSport Club Member
I can hand drop a note for you straight into their massive office here? I can see it from where I'm sat.

Save you the postage.

Francois Cleme is their Chief of Customer Service.

I had to go the carphone warehouse near you the other day. I could almost smell you. You really do live in Milf-ville. Mind you, there's a lot of rotters to.
  Listerine & Poledo

Re: Customer service levels, and how you're all to blame.

If you think the grass is any greener with another network...well, good luck with that.

Sure, some people will throw out some annecdotal evidence about "EMG! like, GIffgaff sorted everything instantly and I was only on hold for 5 seconds, amazeballs", but after a decade in the business, I can confidently say they're ALL as bad as each other.

Mostly because there's no money in the business to hire in enough people to handle the ever-increasing demands of the customer base who want the moon, on a stick, for free, on a 1-month rolling plan for £5 per month.

They also want unlimited 4g data and an iPad for that, or they'll go to Tesco Mobile.
Can you not get a code of ebay or similar? Shouldn't have to, but it's less hassle and usually cheaper!
  V6 255, 172 cup, ph1

Sure, some people will throw out some annecdotal evidence about "EMG! like, GIffgaff sorted everything instantly and I was only on hold for 5 seconds, amazeballs", but after a decade in the business, I can confidently say they're ALL as bad as each other.


I've had the same experience, Vodafone/EE are the worst by a narrow margin but they are definitely all as bad as eachother.

Maybe they just have it in for CB6 dwellers?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Nonsense, customer service is common sense. Why does it always take days and 5 phonecalls to sort out simple issues. I would say foreign call centres don't help. Phone Plusnet (Yorkshire) and it takes 5 minutes for any issues.

So far Plusnet are the best customer service i've experienced along with HBOS/Halifax who were superb (Scottish call centre)


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
Okay so this is how it went...

Thursday phone up again, and am told that they have a backlog of unlocking to do as so many people are buying the new iPhone's and asking for their old ones to be unlocked. Kind of smelt of Billy Bullshit to me, but there you go.

Anyway, the following day I receive a text from EE saying the iPhone I'm trying to unlock is already unlocked!? My mate didn't have the iPhone on him at the time but told him to try over the weekend, and low and behold his O2 SIM worked straight away! What's that all about? At this point I don't know if they actually charged me or not, but I'll keep an eye on my bill.

So overall... contacted 5 times and it took them 12 days to tell me it was already unlocked :weary:
