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30-70 in........47.17 secs & 2920 feet - LOL - for some reason my AP22 doesnt seem to register the second time properly. When it does work for the 70mph I have to be over 80mph! Now I know the car is 5mph at 70mph so why does it only register around 82/83mph then not at all!! Most times I only get 30-50s!! Anyone any ideas!!
  clio 20v

go to the cliosport homepage and look in the ap-22 review itll give u the settings for the mk1 clio 16v put these in and try again

otherwise make sure its facing forward, stuck down securely and is flat

and make sure ur road for testing errr i mean private test track is resonably flat and straight, a hill or corner can really fuk it up

do a couple of smooth starts and gearchanges jus to make sure its working properly it may need re-calibrating or summat

