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Asus Motherboard Battery Fault?

  1.6 Ford Focus
This started on my gaming machine a few days ago after a series of mini power cuts. When I turn the computer on, it comes up with the windows shut down window (the one showing turn off, standby, restart). I can click cancel and everything runs fine, but after a few mins the same thing happens. Sometimes it doesn't even last a few mins, it immediately comes up again.

Every now and then, when I accidental press a key and it restarts, it acts as though the motherboard has a flat battery and forgets the time and date.

However when I checked and changed the battery it made no difference, in fact the battery was as good as a brand new battery.

Anyone got any ideas or solutions? I can't find much online on this one.
  1.6 Ford Focus
Genuine copy of Windows XP, yes.

The system specs are:
Intel Pentium 4 Processor
Nvidia Geforce 9550GT

...if that makes any difference.
