Funny thing is, its currently got the narrower rears on the front, & the (bald) wider fronts on the rear, and it still grips like a madman!
When i fit the set of PS4S on it next month, you'd have to be driving like an utter tool to get it to understeer on the road id imagine. On track yeah probably, but the limits/speeds are always a lot higher there, so a car with its engine out over the front wheels will pretty much always push on, unless you are slower in/fast out, trail braking etc. But you don't buy a lardy 5 door family hatch back for track days 😂
Ha ha, they are fairly quick :wink:
I do like the stealthy look if i'm honest, if you know what you're looking for, they are different, but not obviously so in a subtle colour:
Thanks :up:
This car is getting under my skin a little i feel (like the R32 golfs do), as i went to BMW to look at M3/M4's at the weekend (as you do lol) and well, i'm sad to say it, but neither of them did anything for me, the M4 (in Silverstone II) was just bland and the M3, unless Competition Pack & individual colour, i thought, rather strangely, was starting to look a little dated already. The M2 looks better on the outside, but the interior is so meh/similar to the M135i. So with that in mind, with nothing else of remote interest in the price bracket (the M5 is just too big, M6 too big/expensive), the RS3 is to stay a little while i feel ...
Out of interest how's your mpg?
Might have a butchers at this one
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