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Audi S3 Quattro Vs Mk2 172


Who do you rekon would win?

Im accompanying my mate down to york on Monday who drives one and am wondering if I should bother trying to race him or not.

Top speed is well over the 172 and the 0-60 time is a smidge lower at 6.6 seconds, maybe my willingness to thrash the nads off the car might bive me the edge? Im sure hes gonne be careful with his 24 grand pride and joy!


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

I managed to catch and pass an S3 on a trackday last year in my mates mk1 172 so you might as well have a go...
  Golf GTI Ed30

How old is it? If its 02+ then it will be a 225bhp one. Before, give or take, it will be 210bhp. Ive raced a couple and beat them both (not by much). But both times it was 70mph+. Personally I would have a go regardless. Cause youre not going to be left behind, but you wont beat him I wouldnt think.

went up against one in a dual carridgeway blast from 0 upto 130 when we both looked at each other and grinned and decided to back off, was door mirror to door mirror all they way so have a go you certainly wont be embaressed even if they do beat you as it wont be by much
  CTR EK9 turbo

ive raced an 02 S3 (brand new) with a nutter driving it (arranged race) and i was pushing it along. Absolutely nothing in it upto 6500 rpm in 5th where both cars were level. I was however quicker through the gears entering the dual airstrip......maybe it was due to the fact his car did not have as many miles on it as mine and i was running on fumes..

On the straights it will be even, not so sure in the curves... Had an S3 (210bhp tuned to 250bhp) before my Clio, so I can compare.
