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B2 problems


ClioSport Club Member

my B2 over the past few weeks has got sat lock as normal then all of a sudden it may lose it, then gain it again etc, but somtimes it loses it and wont get sat lock back (it normally has about 9/10 satalites in the display) so it should achieve it and if i unplug it then plug it back in it will get sat lock, and the above may happen again.

anybody else had a prob like this?

would i sent it back to Origin or the supplier?



  RS 182 - Black Gold


a) It could just be a dodgy connection from the sat GPS ariel. Unplug it make sure there is no dust between the connectors.

b) again check all connection between origin and cradle sometimes it can be loose.

c) Try updating the software, it maybe that you have a bug in the current software version which may have been resolved in a later update.

d) as a last resort contact Origin Tech helpline on this number, Telephone: 020 7381 3000 they shud be able to help you out.



[Edited by Origin/RA2/GPS God on 09 November 2004 at 8:18pm]


  RS 182 - Black Gold

LOL well if thou shall buy inferior products from inferior places ;)


  RS 182 - Black Gold

no problemo.

If you dont have any joy drop me a PM, im sure i can help out as im used to these units :)
  Leon TDI

Mine has been the same.
During wartime the accuracy of GPS is purposefully degraded to allow for extra precision for military use.
If all B2ers are having problems, maybe it has something to do with the US attack on Fallujah.

Or we all have dirty connections....

Quote: Originally posted by M.C.. on 09 November 2004

my B2 over the past few weeks has got sat lock as normal then all of a sudden it may lose it, then gain it again etc, but somtimes it loses it and wont get sat lock back (it normally has about 9/10 satalites in the display) so it should achieve it and if i unplug it then plug it back in it will get sat lock, and the above may happen again.
I had this a couple of months ago, would suddenly lose it and then sometimes would refuse to get lock back at all until i took the origin out of the cradle a couple of times. Got so fed up ended up taking the whole kit out and taking the cradle apart, stuck it back in and its worked fine since.

There seemed to be lots of crap in the satellite connecter of the cradle which i got out with a pin

So as Has says, could just be build up of junk/dust inside the connections and it needs a clean.


  RS 182 - Black Gold

^^^ True

i have now personally experienced this :S

on a long trip today spent most of the time without sat lock and therefor searchign for sats :S


will try and find out wots going on

  Ford Fiesta

all 3 of my gps systems, (car, garmin gpsV and my road angel 2 are working normally.

Only time I was having problems with the road angel 2 was when I was trying to run it without additional antenna, as the windscreen was causing problems.

Now the antenna looks out of the rear window, no problems.


  RS 182 - Black Gold

I updated my B2 uni before i left coventry to go to London

Not a single loss of connection in the entire trip!!!

so i assume it was either atmospheric or a bug in one of origins updates which has now been resolved?

Hope everyone else got theres working
