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Battery Isolator Wiring


ClioSport Club Member
I want to install a battery isolator switch to the Clio so I can easily disconnect it for storage and also for track safety. I have had a look and there are some wiring diagrams that make no sense - some say to the negative other say to the positive terminal and I hate wiring (electricty is magic to me). I am sure I saw some MSA instruction where it needs to go in a certain way but as I am not racing why can't I do the following:
  • Buy a switch like THIS
  • Take the negative terminal off the battery
  • Cut the battery post mount off and wire it to the switch
  • Wire the other end of the switch to the negative terminal with a new connector (the one on the Clio is looking a little battered)
  • Mount the cut off switch either in the cabin where the radio was or under the engine bay somewhere (depends if I can get the cable through the bulk head), but the negative terminal cable will essentially be longer
So it will look like this


My thinking is that this is essentially what I am currently doing when I am taking the negative terminal off the battery when it is parked up. But will the work in an emergency if I need to kill the engine?

I also need something similar for the Z3 and E34 but as they are not track cars and will be disconected mainly for storage I was going to get something like this instead

