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Bilt-Hamber Auto-clay Question

  Ph1 172 + Combo van
its awesome, i got mine off ebay though would definately reccomend it although i have only tried the poorboys clay which i though was rubbish, then this one worked perfectly and removed all contamination and tar from my car. makes it really smooth.


thats what i use mate, you really do have to keep it lubricated though. i use a spray bottle with a mixture of water and car wash.

on another note. your not using it on the RB are you? the finish is perfect. you should be building the layers of wax now. and you did the other car the other day! :S
  Cupra 300 ST 4drive
thats what i use mate, you really do have to keep it lubricated though. i use a spray bottle with a mixture of water and car wash.

on another note. your not using it on the RB are you? the finish is perfect. you should be building the layers of wax now. and you did the other car the other day! :S

Hello Chris
Its for the wifes 138 and i might be doing the old mans Modus:approve:


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
supposed to be good stuff tbh, but megs comes with QD anyway so i wouldnt worry about lube, just whatever is cheaper
  Cupra 300 ST 4drive
supposed to be good stuff tbh, but megs comes with QD anyway so i wouldnt worry about lube, just whatever is cheaper

I only use the megs clay and detail spray, just wondering what Bilt is like, i always use to much detail spray ,:D always worried about marring


I know the answer!!!

soluble KY jelly

very lubricated
easily available
cheap in bulk form
A little will go a long way
washes off easily
might even make it shine abit more! :p


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
supposed to be good stuff tbh, but megs comes with QD anyway so i wouldnt worry about lube, just whatever is cheaper

I only use the megs clay and detail spray, just wondering what Bilt is like, i always use to much detail spray ,:D always worried about marring

nah as long as the paintowrk is smooth its ok, you can always use distilled water and car shampoo for lube anyhoo
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
id reccomend using a small bit of car shapoo or simaler, when i first used it it caught the paint a couple of times but the marks come or with wipe or two with srp.
