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Black build up on outside of engine.

  RS Clio 182 FFBG55
Hi Guys,

Yesterday I wanted to check my engine oil level. I lifted up the bonnet and went about my merry way checking it. Oil level was still perfect so that was all good.

I then had a look at the engine and i noticed some black build up on the left of the engine.
I then lifted up the engone cover and noticed that it is isolated to just one part of the engine.
Now I like to think I know abit about the mechanical workings of a car as I have spent quite alot of time reading about engines on the toilet. But i have to say I don't know what this is, if it is a problem at all. At a guess and this is purely a guess, I'd say the top gasket that is inbetween the rocker cover and the engine body(unsure if thats right) has a hole in it.

Any advice or thoughts on this matter are gratefully received.

  Megane 225 F1
This isn't helpful at all to you....but I LOL'd at

Now I like to think I know abit about the mechanical workings of a car as I have spent quite alot of time reading about engines on the toilet.
  2003 Clio 172
At a guess, i'd say its either where general dirt and crap has stuck to overflow that hasnt been cleaned up from an oil fill

Or its general crap dished out by the timing belt

Or its a bit of puke spat form the dephaser

Or its general crap from the power steering (the wee pressure sensor sometimes leaks)

IIRC its in teh line of fire of the AUX belt kicking crap and oil up as well.....sometimes that power steering pump leaks a bit...

I wouldnt fret tbh


  2003 Clio 172

Thats only an inlet, as far as I know....there is no oil or fluid in or around that area, so its not a leak form the engine IMO.

  RS Clio 182 FFBG55
ok thats cool. Ill clean it off and then see how quick it builds up again. I suppose that could be a sign of how serious a problem it could be if any.

Thanks for the replys.
