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Black & White

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Got both 1 & 2 m8. No.2 is a lot better than the original but you could do with decent hardware to run it properly.

Unlike any other game out there for the PC - and really hard to describe. It's like a 3D god/management game with the sideline of raising and training your 'creature' to do your bidding. Very good, but hopeless for a 20-minute bash. You need hours of time for it!


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
LOL m8 - I don't quite achieve graphics like that using my trusty 9800 Pro! ;)
Still, it manages some neat touches though - your mouse pointer is actually the hand of god and it ruffles the grass and you pass over it. Pet or slap your creature in accordance to how you want him to behave. If he eats villagers and you reward him, he will become progressivley more evil.

Is there a demo you can download to try out?

  Not a Clio
doesn't appear to be :( found a petition asking for one lol

Hopefully my new graphics card will allow graphics that good! :D
  Not a Clio
ok i bought this game yesterday and played it for a good few hours with the highest graphics settings and it ran very smoothly - no pausing or anything.

Today i try and play it and it's pausing all over the place to such an extent it's hardly playable.

Checked task manager and nothing much is going on but shut everything down anyway including antivirus anyway and it's still the same. Rebooted the pc as well. Tried the game on the lowest graphics settings and it still does it.

Tried FEAR and that runs without a problem so suspect it's game related.

Any ideas anyone?
what program did you use to overclock the card?

If you used the asus program you need to enable the option of "Use Clock Settings On Startup"..

Might be why its runnings yerky?
  Not a Clio
na, i used the coolbits extension for clock frequency - just double checked and the settings are saved. Like i say, FEAR runs ok so don't know why this game is playing up.

Just noticed 1 patch available.

Hmm seems fine now although I can't carry on from where i left off as the saved game won't work with the patch!
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Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
LOL m8 - I'm just installing B&W2 again myself. That's a biatch about the patch isn't it? Thank god I didn't get too far on v1.0.

If the patch doesn't solve your issue, what sound card are you using? Since my X-Fi card has gone in, the only game it has issues with is Command & Conquer Generals : Zero Hour. It had a massive slow-down issue with my old Audigy card, played fine when I switched to onboard audio and then got nailed again with this X-Fi card. Definitely a Creative issue....

  Not a Clio
Well it seems to be ok but I won't know for definite until I get to the same stage I was on when I had the problems.

Currently using a Sb Live (16bit) card. Got an Audigy 2 ZS Value coming shortly.
