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Bonnet price

Anyone got a rough idea how much a new bonnet is going to cost from a main Renault dealer? Ive got the mother of all stone chips on the front edge of my bonnet and I dont think its going to be repairable. If its too much Ill just claim on the insurance.

..or you can get the complete thing for £150 for paul at Infinicra, kinda pointless seeing as how the new one is the same price. I got one for £100, c/w vent

Eep, one post! someone must have reset the counter on this thing. I know I havent been by for a while, but 1 post! :)

Cheers for the replies. I reckon the 172 bonnet is bound to be a bit more. Im going down to the garage Friday afternoon. Just wanted advanced warning in case I was going to faint or something! ;)

Me too mate..... has yours got the steel bonnet ??

Dont bother claiming on your insurance why f*** up your NCB.

The bonnet can easily be repaired just needs filling sanding and spraying up will be under £200 even from a Reno dealership.

Not too bothered about the no claims. Ive got enough years and if Im gonna save a couple hundred Ill do it. Im about 4 weeks off the end of this year with no claim again. Ive got some smaller paint chips in the front of it too, so a new bonnet will solve all the problems.
