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Britemax, what combo's to you use?

  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Looking at the britemax range @ i4detailing i think it could be the next product i try, just wondered what combo's of polish's you guys use from britemax? Pm'd mate @ i4detailing & he gave me some good input which was ace ;) but would just like to see what others views are, also how do they compare to sonus? currently stuck only with megs #80 & #83 combo so far so would be intersting to try some new gear
  A well built VW
I have used them #1,2 & 3 and I will be going back to Menzerna once i have finished the bottles i have, They do the job i just find menzerna an easier product to use

i find the britemax products dust no matter what i try doing whereas the Menzerna never did this

Hope that helps
