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BT credit balance

  172 Cup
It would appear that I'm in credit to the sum of £129.98 due to paying by direct debit each month and using my mobile for most calls rather than the landline.

If I'm in credit with my power supplier they will refund me but I'm having trouble getting any sense out of BT.

That aside has anyone had any luck getting anything out of BT?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
We were in credit £209.56

After 7 phone calls (and i actually had to be rude to people) we got the money back.
Needless to say i pay for what i use now.
  172 Cup
Some daft bint keeps telling me I can take a "Payment holiday" from January 1st for a few months. What use is that?!?

How did you get a refund in the end then Tom? Persistence?
  Meg 250/E36 Touring
Make sure you amend your DD amount in future.

I know its not much, but its your money they're getting interest on.
  A4 Avant
Yep, I'm £90 in credit and keep telling me they'll take it off my next bill, problem is I now pay my line rental to sky, so won't be having any future bills. It's like talking to a brick wall.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Yeah my dd amount is now the amount i actually spend.

Online billing is a nightmare too.
  172 Cup
Make sure you amend your DD amount in future.

I know its not much, but its your money they're getting interest on.

I dropped my DD to the lowest amount they'd let me which was £18. They still collected £33 though. Bunch of idiots.

I get so many free minutes on my mobile that £129 credit will probably cover my landline bill for the next year. Why should they collect interest on my money?!? GRRRRRRRRRR :mad:


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Its a shame you cant have adsl on an incoming calls only line.
  172 Cup
Its a shame you cant have adsl on an incoming calls only line.

Charminda has offered me half the money back so I'm now on hold for someone else :(

Edit - Partial success. I've got half of it back now and their "offline team" will call me later today to refund the rest (or so they say).
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