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BULBS SHORT CIRCUIT & Bloo*Y Renault!!!!!

Last week the side lights stopped working on my car and the glove box light etc.....

Took it to Renault they fixed it said it was a short circuit caused by me fitting my lexus lights?!?!

Well its happend again now fuse blown no lights and this ime the interior central locking button and hazard light s aint working!!!


oh and guess wjat renault cant fit me in till saturday!!!!

the only good thing is that when i tool it down last week a guy working there said he got a MK2 172 for breaking and he will sort me the interior for cheap!! sorted!

wouldnt worry about it. Ive been waiting 3 months for a replacement dash unit to fix a rattle in the glovebox and ive been lied to, mislead, cut off while on hold more times than I care to mention, taken the car in when the part was supposedly in stock only to find out it was the wrong part, been told not to worry about the rattle as the car "isnt a bmw or mercedes" amongst other things!. It appears to part of the joy using your local renault dealership!


Took it to Renault and they fixed it - blown sidelight fuse - dash lights went as well

Fixed it under warranty but only coz I argued the fellas in the workshop were sticking mileage on me motor everytime it was in!
