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  Golf Mk6 tdi
They are protected so you can’t scrap them - many were scrapped and these are now of historical interest.


ClioSport Club Member
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You also can't touch or get within one meter of the wreck unless you own it.
but I don't think you can stop other people from diving around it, as long as they don't touch.

So essentially you're buying f**k-all.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
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You also can't touch or get within one meter of the wreck unless you own it.
but I don't think you can stop other people from diving around it, as long as they don't touch.

So essentially you're buying f**k-all.
Good for pub talk. Like sticking a turbo on an otherwise standard clio. 'My car is 300bhp m8'


ClioSport Club Member
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Jesus imagine the eBay fee's on that one!

What were they asking to begin with?? A million quid or something?

The Psychedelic Socialist

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Wtf would you do with it.
You can't use modern steel in things that require exceptionally low radioactivity ( Since nuclear weapons testing started in the 40s, all modern steel carries a small but significant amount of radioactive material that makes it less than ideal for that kind of application.

Steel manufactured prior to nuclear weapons testing can be used for these applications and in fact a large amount of steel for these modern instruments came from the scuttled ships in Scapa flow just like these.

Not sure what price you'd get for it nowadays as the background radiation is falling all the time so it's probably not as valuable as it once was.
