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buying advice

  iceberg 172
Hey, I am after buying a Clio 172/172 cup and don't know where to begin.

I'm looking at around 4k to spend and have looked at a local one with 56k on the clock.

Am I right in thinking if the dealer recommendations have been followed a 2002 or 03 will have had a cambelt done? So if it had around 70k on the clock it wouldn't need one doing in the near future?

Its not that im trying to avoid a cambelt change just would like to buy one with one already done recently. When buying these cars is there anything that I need to look out for apart from the usual inspection?

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ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Re: buying advise

Cambelt needs to be done at 72,000 miles or 5 years. Whichever comes first.

Auxillery belt needs to be done at 36,000 miles or 3 years. Whichever comes first.

You need to check the brakes as they are quite expensive (relatively) compared to the cost of the car.

Just do the usual checks though dude.

Also bear in mind, that a cup is about half the price to do a cambelt as it doesn't have Aircon and is a much simpler job. (Cup is about £250, Clio 172 with Aircon is about £500. Full cambelt kit and auxbelt kit)
  iceberg 172
Re: buying advise

thanks guys sorry for the complications with my grammer lol. will soon hopfully be a proud owner of a 172 fingers crossed.
