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buying damaged car from insurers

  Mazda 3 MPS Mk1
My cup is looking like its gonna get written off, 7k car with 5.4k's worth of damage.

i have heard that you can buy back the car for 10% of the insureres payout, so if they were to offer me 6.5K for the car i could buy the car for salvage cost of £650.

Can anyone confirm if this is true??

If so see the parts section in the comming weeks lol
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
If its not your fault and another party is paying for it they should fix it, as they go upto the value of the car?
  Mazda 3 MPS Mk1
hardly an economical repair tho is it!!!
think of the costs of a hire car fro 4 weeks while its being fixed on top etc
