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Buying out contracts . . . how?

Sounds a stupid question, but never heard of it until I came on here.

So, long story short, Failberry Storm is acting up, again. Thinking iPhone 3Gs. My contract started again in Oct 08 so 18 months = April 2010.

Currently paying around 40 quid a month, great deal for the stuff I get etc etc as have been with Voda for 10 years etc.

Sick of the failberry; can I reduce the contract to around 15 quid a month, then buy it out for 150 quid (10 months @ £15) and port my number over to O2?

Any input appreciated!

Give Voda a ring about buying out of it, and ask them about porting your number, it may take a couple of weeks. 3GS is the future.

Tom's pretty good wid dis s**t, innit.
  Monaco 172
vodafone allow you to reduce your tarrif by £5 each month. thats only after the first 9 months of a contract.

i was paying 45 a month then eventually got it reduced to 30. so youll have to wait for a good few months to get it down that far. plus the contracts are probably going to be crap.
Really? Interesting because I was always told it could be reduced to anythign after 6 months, have gone down to 15 quid before (currently at that with my secondary contract).

TBH, if they refuse, the amount of hassel it's caused me I will just cancel both contracts with them and see what they say.
  Monaco 172
ah right fair enough! but thats just what i was told in phones 4u when i bought it and also in vodafone shop! give it a go anyway and let me know, if its possible ill do it too lol
The iPhone tariffs are shocking. Fact. Hence why I'm buying a PAYG and keeping my current O2 contract.

Cancel your direct debit.* FLOL. ;)

*I do not condone doing this.
I hope so, but haven't done that for a while (18 months poss more) so if it's changed (as they do) I will be mightily pissed off Pete! But will keep you informed.
They won't let you just cancel.

You'll have to attempt to reduce it. Some of them let you knock it down a bit at a time but others make you wait.

Best bet is to call them. I wouldn't mention the iPhone though as I'm sure they must be pretty pissed that everyone is f**king off to o2! lol..


vodafone allow you to reduce your tarrif by £5 each month. thats only after the first 9 months of a contract.

i was paying 45 a month then eventually got it reduced to 30. so youll have to wait for a good few months to get it down that far. plus the contracts are probably going to be crap.

This is true.

Phoned up the other day to reduce my contact, can only reduce it by £5 a month.

To buy out a vodafone contract you basically pay what's left on the contract..
Lol, morning sweetums.

Yeah, think I will call them at lunchtime and see what they say. Just so sick of the constant restarts, messages not coming through, s**t reception at home and dropping calls every 23 minutes :S :(
  BMW F31
vodafone allow you to reduce your tarrif by £5 each month. thats only after the first 9 months of a contract.

i was paying 45 a month then eventually got it reduced to 30. so youll have to wait for a good few months to get it down that far. plus the contracts are probably going to be crap.

thats is basically what o2 do as well, i know this as i rang up 3 months before the end of my contract about 6 months ago. turned out as a priority member i could upgrade 3 months before anyway lol.
You can upgrade with most networks three months before the end of the contract, unless I am very much mistaken?

Cheers for the input, all.


Lol, morning sweetums.

Yeah, think I will call them at lunchtime and see what they say. Just so sick of the constant restarts, messages not coming through, s**t reception at home and dropping calls every 23 minutes :S :(

If there's a problem with the phone, they may well replace/fix it for you.. if it's under 12 months.. manufactures warranty IIRC?

You can upgrade with most networks three months before the end of the contract, unless I am very much mistaken?

Cheers for the input, all.

LOL! hate to be the bearer of (more) bad news.. you can only upgrade 1 month early with Vodafone..

Well unless you're a priority member, but i'm not and i spend around the same as you a month £35..


I was going to buy myself out of my o2 one a few months back. They did me a deal where they wrote off the last 2 months of my contract provided I started a new one there and then. Which I was happy to do with the deal they gave me.
One month babe, not three.

Some let you have 3.

You just don't get as good a deal.

The only real way would be to call them, dude.

Tell them you're going travelling. Don't want to end up with missed payments etc etc. So please can you pay it off at the cheapest possible rate and have it switched to PAYG and then you can start a new contract with them when you return.

All lies. But watchagonado.
Lol @ the travelling and P&G but a bloody good idea!

Always been three months with Voda for me, but have been with them ten years or more now.

Ill give them a bell at lunch. Hoping 172Ben might see this as he works for Voda and might be able to give me some advice :)


ClioSport Club Member
Seriously though. They'll let you out, but you'll have to pay... normally to cover the line rental.

Once you're out, request a PAC code. This will enable you to port your number over to 02, and your new iPhone. This is exactly what I did when I moved from Vodafone.

It can take up to a week to transfer the number, once the PAC has been authorised.

PM me if you want any help.
Yeha done the PAC code a while ago from Bt Cellnet (yeah, it was that long ago ;))

The Storm is awesome, just not. Lol.

Haha, present? Copy/paste/decent camera :rasp:


ClioSport Club Member
I'll have all that before you! The 3.0 update is today, for existing 3G users. ;)

I won't tremble about your extra 1.2mp of camera res.

Most companies are losing a lot of customers to the new iPhone. Orange basically cut my bill from £45 a month to £9, just to keep me. She even admitted it on the phone! lol.. They will let you buy it out, but reckon they'll tempt you to stay.
Most companies are losing a lot of customers to the new iPhone. Orange basically cut my bill from £45 a month to £9, just to keep me. She even admitted it on the phone! lol.. They will let you buy it out, but reckon they'll tempt you to stay.

My father and I sound identical on the phone. He called up for an E71, told £37.50 for minutes and internet he wanted.

I phoned up, quoted "what about this iPhone then?" and the price was cut dramatically. Almost laughed.
Most companies are losing a lot of customers to the new iPhone. Orange basically cut my bill from £45 a month to £9, just to keep me. She even admitted it on the phone! lol.. They will let you buy it out, but reckon they'll tempt you to stay.

lol.. I just cancelled mine.

The second I mentioned iPhone she just gave up! Roffle.
Haha, be interesting to see what they say.

Going to have to phone up later, too much work today to get it done at lunch sadly.
Aye, they might aswell give up tbh. I'm quite happy with my retro iPhone on Orange £9 a month just now, but the 3GS is very tempting!

I'll probably end up getting it once I've heard some reviews.


ClioSport Club Member
Aye, they might aswell give up tbh. I'm quite happy with my retro iPhone on Orange £9 a month just now, but the 3GS is very tempting!

I'll probably end up getting it once I've heard some reviews.

Rolling in a Lambo, and not having the latest handset is unforgivable mate. ;)
IIRC Justin will be rolling in his Lambo, posting on his 3Gs while on his way to see the new Transformers movie . . . innit ;)
  '14 Touareg, '14 GTi
I have called up Vodafone this morning to serve notice on my contract and request my PAC code. You would have thought their sales script catered for the repsonse after asking me; can I ask why your leaving Vodafone?

60 days remaining, and after then - im getting an iphone
