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Buzzing noise from interior light area

Does anyone know what this could be?

Its a buzzing noise, similar to an electric motor, coming from the box which houses the interior lights, rain sensor, etc.

Car is a mk2 172.

  Suzuki SV1000S

Check that a bee hasnt got caught in there first!

Then unclip it and check the cabling, could be a loose connection (cant really think of anything else)

its the fan for the a/c sensor buzzing, not uncommon and a fair few people here had theirs replaced under warranty

sh*t, the car is just out of warranty.

If I unplug it, will the aircon stop working?

Will strip it down this weekend and see if I can fix / mod it.

i expect the a/c will work but not propely, you may find it doesnt regulate the temp properly or will not sit at the correct temp you set if you remove it but thats just a guess tbh
