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Bye Bye Clio!!


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

my clio goes off to the bodyshop today!! :(

Wanna place bets on what the courtesy car is gonna be?

If its renault, Megane..

if its not, Ive seen a whole range at bodyshops..

Cinquecentos to Kas..

Have fun.

one word of advice, drive it like you stole it!!! i had a 1.0 5dr micra in the most hideous colour youve ever seen when the gtturbo was being looked at and i thrashed the little shed to within an inch of its life, and hey its normal practice to abuse them everyone does ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

im gonna and its not my insurance companys!!

it gonna die!! and people that know me know i kill cars

hope you dont get a Punto Selecta like I did! Constant Variable auto bow (or something like that) was returned in less than an hour a Saxo 1.4 replaced it. Guy said no one will drive it! lol
