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Calling o2's bluff...

  FN2 Type R GT
Dont know if ive done the right thing...i phoned them up to upgrade from my current contract 500 mins 600 texts 25 pounds a month, i wanted to upgrade to an iphone but i was told they only do iphone contracts which are specially designed for the iphone which i appreciate but as a customer for 4-5 years i expected them to do something about it. I then asked about the n96, quoted contracts from 3 online for 30 quid a month and they said the cheapest they do was 45 where the phone would be free, said i wanted to cancel and they put up no fight at all...

Although at the end of the conversation she was like so your moving to 3 for 30 poounds and month and the phone is thinking they might call back? or not!?

Help please:)
You won't get an iPhone contract any less than the fixed price.. might aswell give up on that one :p

They will probably just give you the PAC.. unless they make money from you, they won't care.
  FN2 Type R GT
They said they could do me a reconditioned one for 35 a month....i guess its only an extra tenner, i can spend that on 2 drinks when i go out.

Does the iphone live up to all the hype? i really want one
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
o2 are c***s, my phone was broken 6 times in 8 months so all i wanted to do was exchnage it, and they point blank refused!

I spend £75-£90 pcm on average too,

In the end i had to take out a other iphone contract,
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
Haha....Really? does it not get annoying being all touch screen? ive got a veiwty atm which is pretty pap tbh so anything will be an improvment

I had a sony w9601 before this, and it was pretty pap too tbh, the touch screen on the iphone is years ahead,

I love it, its awsome.

I got a 16gb in white :)


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
f**k the iphone contracts over 20quid more than i pay for less mins and txts.
  FN2 Type R GT
yeh but its all about the phone, i think whats swayed me is the fact i was gonna buy an ipod touch after christmas anyway so may as well put the cash away to pay towards the iphone
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
f**k the iphone contracts over 20quid more than i pay for less mins and txts.

Innit, I was on 1400 mins 1200 txts for £35 PCM on my old contract (6 years with them)

Iphone is 1000mins and 500 txts for £45 lOL

Unlimited data (proper unlimited), unlimited TheCloud, Unlimited BTOpenZone.

iPhone is 1200 mins on the £45/mo contract.
  Focus ST
£15 a month for 500 texts and the £15 credit to spend

If i want to geek it up i just use my laptop.. Phone is for calling and texting imo, not surfing the net or any other funky stuff you guys can do
  FN2 Type R GT
is there any major difference between 8gb and 16gb? apart from the obvious memory, no difference in anything else?
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
No just memory,

Well that and you can only spec white over black on 16gb....(then you could buy a black case like me and cover up the white.. FAIL)
  Slow red one
if white like myself then i'd go for a cilicon one from carphonewarehouse then it stays in good condition and also i'd recomend the iphone as i brought mine about a week ago on the £35 a month and loving it:)
