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Camera Mounts

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
iv got one o those. you need to ensure that its a completely flat surface. try a side window first. push it as hard as you can against the window, and pump the pump pretty quickly. it should suck the air out of the suction area and it should stick to your window. they are very good.

if it doesnt work you might have a naff one.
  clio 182 black /gold
Right i have tried a front, rear and side windows. I also tried the house window and still no joy. I The company is closed till monday.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Haven't you ever used a suction mount before?

Moisten the surface that goes against the glass.
  clio 182 black /gold
GordonD said:
Haven't you ever used a suction mount before?

Moisten the surface that goes against the glass.
No it did not say that in the instructions
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
you dont moisten the surface with this mount, it works on suction pressure being withdrawn via the pump rather than a typical suction pad you get on a dart gun on your 5th birthday.

it should work, there must be a leak, or it may have a faulty valve thats not air tight.
  clio 182 black /gold
Adams_16v said:
you dont moisten the surface with this mount, it works on suction pressure being withdrawn via the pump rather than a typical suction pad you get on a dart gun on your 5th birthday.

it should work, there must be a leak, or it may have a faulty valve thats not air tight.
Cheers Adam, I wondered why it won,t work on my house window which is flat.
  Golf GTI 1.8T
go to the gym!

I've had mine on the front window, side windows in the interior, and the roof so far. its peice of cake to fit, just need to apply some pressure first to easy it round the curve of the surface and it will soon grab.
  Elvis - Biarritz 1.2
How secure are the actual mounts on things like this? I'd be terrified to have a camera secured on the outside of my car by one pad. I'd have to have a safety line on it or something.
  Golf GTI 1.8T
more than capable for your 1.2 mate.

harry_manback has his on his car at 100mpg iirc, I had mine on the way to FCS and in subways car most the day. they are bloody strong hold but amazing how easy they are to get off too, you just pull a raised bit on the edge of the suction pad... just gotta make sure theres a nice clean dry surface and it will be fine.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
they are good. i left mine on my window for 2 days and it was still solid!

although i laft it on the sunroof once overnight and it fell off in teh middle of the night.

they have a safe warning line on the pump element so you know if its loosing any suction.

Still not sure id dare have an expensive vid cam on the side of my car though
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
If you have a decent mount that's rated for more than the weight of the camera you'll be fine.

Ever seen Gumball3000 footage ??? If they put their rediculously expensive cameras on the side of a 200mph car I'm sure it'll do for a Clio.... However, remember that if the lens is facing your direction of travel, still better to keep it inside for the majority of the time.

Bullet cameras are your other alternative, weighing next to nothing you can mount them on door handles etc, but if it did come loose, the cable would hold it until you stop anyway.

AutoXCam is highly recommended by many.
