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Can anyone be of any help???

  Clio 197
My clio 197 is 2years old nearly and the air-con has packed up again, it happened for the first time only 5 months ago, the compressor isnt kicking in at all and the gas isnt low because my partner re-gassed it yesterday! Last time renault told me it was low on gas and all they did was re-gas it charge me and give it back but i dont beleive them as i had it re-gassed prior to taking it in last time aswell! Just wanted to know if anyone else has had any air-con probs and what diagnosis they'v been given..........any info would be helpful.

The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Take it to Renault it'll still be under warranty, if you have the receipt that they re-gassed it and its only been done recently id expect them to honour the warranty.
  Clio 197
yeh might just end up hitting them at this rate lol!
Re-gassing is only under warranty for the first 3months they told me, thats why i got charged the first time round!
Anyway im waiting to hear back from renault, see what bull they come up with this time!!!! Thanks guys!
There is a common problem with climate control on 197s I believe, cant bge much more help than that though sorry
  Clio 197
well my thoughts exactly, you dont spend tht amount of money for things like that to go wrong especially not twice 5months apart! x
If it needs regassing that often it has a leak. Take it back to renault and don't let them bullshit you.
