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can my car dealer do this

  Inferno 182 w/ Recaros ;)

okay so i rang up the car dealer who im buying my clio from yesterday to tell him that we have almost sorted our house and that i should be picking up the car soon.

he said that if it goes into october to pick the car up he will have to reconsider the price of the car, he said it may be more, it may be the same, because the offer on the clio ends then or something.

but the thing is i have put a £200 deposit on the car thinking that i would be paying 13k, can the dealer change the price?
  VW ....

tell him to do one .... if he says it again tell him u will take ur business elsewhere ... is it your fault its late ?? NO .... these folk shouldnt be in sales .... wheres the customer service in that ... f**kwits

Tell him youll take your business else where if he doesnt guarantee the price

£13000 for a clio what you getting? seems pricey

Quote: Originally posted by 182_blue on 09 September 2005

did he not say he was holding the dealer up ??
i thought that, he put off the pick-up date because of a house move...
  Clio 200

he wont want to lose the sale, if he hikes up the price. Deposit back and go find another dealer, bound to get the same deal or even better. Hes just trying to get his sale by the end of the month for his bonus
  Inferno 182 w/ Recaros ;)

thats bang on, but he said the only thing that would change would be my part exchange value.

am getting a brand new inferno with cup packs and recaros

sent him an email yesterday asking for an invoice of the arranged price


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed

He will be trying to get it in before cut-off for his bonuses. If he tries to pressure you, YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER, and take your cash and go elsewhere. If they dont need the sale, then surely some other dealer will...and you would be in the drivers seat (excuse pun!)

Dont let them shaft you. You are the paying customer, and you have freedom to do business with whom you want.

Also, if you want to take the mick, make him lower his offer, or youll tell Renault customer services (when they contact you after buying the car) that youll be very discriminatory against his tactics and you feel pressured. Then see if you get a discount, and tell Renault Customer Services that he was crap! (you get your own back and maybe some cash into the bargain in your pocket!)

Quote: Originally posted by polarbert on 09 September 2005

thats bang on, but he said the only thing that would change would be my part exchange value.
This is what the problem is the part-ex value. I had the same thing. The price you will have to pay may well go up, as they are unable to sell the car in that month, so effectively they will be in negative equity. That is what they are trying to safe-guard themselves against. I can see there point, as I am sure people have tried to pull a fast one in the past doing the same thing. Id have another chat with him if I were you and see if you can come to some agreement, as I am sure you are not paying the minimum offer they would accept for the car!! If he doesnt back down maybe they would let you give them your car and take a courtesy car for a few days to ensure you got the price? :confused:

I dont see that the dealer is doing anything wrong, its you thats putting off the date. I should imagine that they wouldnt have to give your deposit back either if you decide to go elsewhere or start messing them about.

Yes the dealer can do that.

The figures quoted will have taken that months specific figuers into account. If you put them off, the sale then goes into the following months figures. Meaning they may or may not hit the target figures previoulsy deduced, the saleman/ salemanager may not get his salary adjustment, etc. Many implifications if you change the dates, over month ly periods.

You no doubt signed an order sheet specifying which month youd take delivery?

However, the dealer will not want to loose the sale, so Im sure they will be toerate/considerate of you, if you do indeed say youll take your business elswhere. Although, Im sure youd like to keep you deposit.

[Edited by CarboliSmokeBal on 9/9/2005 3:00:56 PM]
  Inferno 182 w/ Recaros ;)

i didnt sign an order sheet as i didnt know exactly when i wanted to take delivery, it all depends on when we get the money for the house sale. i told him this and put a 200 pound deposit so that the car was mine, to pick up and pay for as soon as the house goes through.

i have decided not to p/x my car in as im getting crap for it, so have asked him if he will knock some money off for not p/xing my car, i heard that dealers do this sometimes

If you havent signed anything with a date on you should be ok - but if you cancel they will keep your deposit and *could* sue for any losses on top (e.g. if they then sold the car to someone else for £12k, they could sue you for £1k) - a VW dealer near me did it recently (and got lots of negative publicity!).

You should get a better deal with no p/ex - but they dont have to play ball if youve already ordered it I guess...
  Silver 182 F/F

Ordering and paying for a car on the chance you get your money from your house sale seems a bit risky.
  Inferno 182 w/ Recaros ;)

last 2 posts didnt really help, i know that i shouldnt have bought it and that it is risky, i didnt need people telling me that, what i wanted was constructive criticism about the dealer

ok constructive comment time... i apologise for my previous post.

i would go in person to the dealer, explain that you ordered the £13000 vehicle from them without having sufficient fundings to pay for it. Im sure that the dealer will be sympathetic with your situation and if you speak to them nicely they might even refund your deposit.

Then, when you have gathered sufficient funds... you could ask them if the same deal would still apply. Seeing as you will be paying for the vehicle this time, you may even get a better deal.

Hope that helps,

Dan x

Ok lets be serious then.

You ordered car that you cant pay for at this time.

You may of entered a contract between yourself and the dealer. The car is there and ready for the taking. If you are intending to trade in an older vehicle then obviously the more time you hold out the value of your existing car will be less. Can kinda see why the dealers are getting on your case!

Id speak to your local CAB for some idea of where you stand legally.
  Mini Cooper S sport

Im a bit mystified as to why you ordered it before the house sale went through, were you worried someone else might have it?

I can kind of see both sides here. They might have been able to sell it to someone else much quicker, and you *could* turn round after all and say you didnt want it.

However, a little understanding on their part wouldnt go amiss.
  Inferno 182 w/ Recaros ;)

basically i ordered it before as i hadnt seen another inferno with both cup packs and recaro seats, and i am prepared to lose the deposit.

the guy is a nice fella so im sure he will be good to me, hes been patient enough to wait all this time.

thanks for the good advice, i really appreciate it.

oh and racing blue, yeah i was worried that someone else would have it, as i said i havent seen another car with the recaros around, i know i could have bought a cheaper one and then put some seats in, but its not the same to me.

i dont see why it can take much longer for this guy to move into our house, practically everything has been sorted.

Day sorry i was aggressive to you before, ive just been having a bit of a bad day today, thinking about the car and how much longer i will have to wait.

thanks again
  Mini Cooper S sport

Im sure it will be fine, just tell him you are definitely going to buy the car, no doubt about it, and maybe try to hurry up the guy whos buying the house.

Good luck getting the car (inferno with recaro seats sounds wicked, Id be have to have it over that as well I think). Get some pics up when youve bought it. New house and new car - cant be bad!


  Shiny red R32

Quote: Originally posted by Day on 09 September 2005

You may of entered a contract between yourself and the dealer. The car is there and ready for the taking. If you are intending to trade in an older vehicle then obviously the more time you hold out the value of your existing car will be less. Can kinda see why the dealers are getting on your case!

Id speak to your local CAB for some idea of where you stand legally.

Quote: i didnt sign an order sheet as i didnt know exactly when i wanted to take delivery, it all depends on when we get the money for the house sale. i told him this and put a 200 pound deposit so that the car was mine, to pick up and pay for as soon as the house goes through.

Didnt the buyer say above that he hasnt signed a contract? In which case, a verbal agreement isnt legally a contract so I dont think the CAB would do anything.

Quote: Originally posted by polarbert on 09 September 2005
Day sorry i was aggressive to you before, ive just been having a bit of a bad day today, thinking about the car and how much longer i will have to wait.thanks again
No probs, hope you get it sorted... sounds like you want the car so much that things were not quite sorted in the financial stakes... Ive been the same in the past :D

Quote: Originally posted by GR7 on 09 September 2005
Quote: Originally posted by Day on 09 September 2005 You may of entered a contract between yourself and the dealer. The car is there and ready for the taking. If you are intending to trade in an older vehicle then obviously the more time you hold out the value of your existing car will be less. Can kinda see why the dealers are getting on your case!Id speak to your local CAB for some idea of where you stand legally. Quote: i didnt sign an order sheet as i didnt know exactly when i wanted to take delivery, it all depends on when we get the money for the house sale. i told him this and put a 200 pound deposit so that the car was mine, to pick up and pay for as soon as the house goes through.<FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3>Didnt the buyer say above that he hasnt signed a contract? In which case, a verbal agreement isnt legally a contract so I dont think the CAB would do anything. [/QUOTE]

Old wifes tale Im afraid.

Actually a "verbal contract" IS a biding contract.

Its all to do with what grounds are reasoned for enforcement of the contract.

He has paid a deposit, signed for or not, this alone is a valid arguemnet.
  Silver 182 F/F

Quote: Originally posted by polarbert on 09 September 2005

last 2 posts didnt really help, i know that i shouldnt have bought it and that it is risky, i didnt need people telling me that, what i wanted was constructive criticism about the dealer
Wasnt trying to have a go,but the Dealer must be a bit worried that the money from the house might not even come through for October,you have to look at both points of view,he could be waiting months and then you pulled out leaving him with a old shaped Clio.I know he probably would still sell it quick.

polarbert, i know how you feel mate im an estate agent and sometimes there appears to be no logical reason for why the sale isnt going through even though everything appears ready. If i was you i would get onto your estate agent pronto and get them to chase it up! Be forcefull but not angry, play it nice and they will do what you want them to.
  Clio 182, Audi A3

last 2 posts didnt really help, i know that i shouldnt have bought it and that it is risky, i didnt need people telling me that, what i wanted was constructive criticism about the dealer

We can all sympathise with someone getting into a silly problem, weve all done this ourselves. But if we ask for advice, we should accept honest views and not just look for support, right or wrong. Seems to me the dealer hasnt done much to criticise.

Being in the trade and giving my opinion from the other side, I wouldnt expect them to improve your deal just because you arent part-exing your car. As a main renault dealer they wont have any interest in your car and will only have gotten it underwritten by a trader to take it off there hands. They wont make any money out of doing it so why would they suddenly want to reduce their profit because youve had a change of heart?? Other issues to be aware of are that they are currently paying stocking charges on the car so the longer its sat with them unpaid for, the more that car is costing them.

