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Can running an amp knacker your alternator?

That's what the local dealer has just told me mine's done.

My 22 month old (18k miles) Clio's alternator has just packed in and the dealer phoned me to tell me they're putting it through as a warranty claim, but that it might not be covered by warranty because I've been using an amp to power my 4 speakers for the past 6 months.

Personally I don't believe an amp could cause this but I'm not that mechanically/electronically minded! It's not even a large amp which would be drawing a large current (it's a Mac Audio 4 x 60rms).

Could running an amp have caused my alternator to break?
  Clio 172mk2
id say its a load of s**t there tellin u , as the alternators allways running.

its like saying if uve ever run owt from the cigeret socket that would cause the fault . or changing the head unit,
Having a further think about this.

I don’t quite know how my alternator could be affected by the amp because the amp draws current from the battery, not directly from the alternator (the alternator maintains the battery’s charge, right?). AFAIK the battery can only provide a certain charge – if anything auxiliary such as an amp required more power than the battery could supply then it would either not work properly or the battery would die!

Am I right in the above?
  tiTTy & SV650
Is the stereo typically on when you start the car? If so it might draw slightly more current from the battery when starting the car and so the alternator takes longer to replenish the battery's charge.

as said the alternator is always running and thus charging the battery, so I dont see why it would put any strain on the alternator.
Bump! Anyone? I've been told by a someone who's a mechanic that it probably WAS my amp that knackered the alternator! And I've also been told I should NEVER use an amp with a standard battery/alternator because of the extra power drain. FFS, it's only a small amp I'm running, not some big mahooosive bass system.

Sorry, I'm pissed off and felt like a rant!
On my old 1.2 i was running a genesis 4 and a genesis sub amp, both off the battery, through a power cap (which im now led to believe dont do s**t).

I never had a problem with my battery or the alternator, so i cant see how a small amp like yours would have any major effect on it.
  1996 Valver
Ally said:
Having a further think about this.

I don’t quite know how my alternator could be affected by the amp because the amp draws current from the battery, not directly from the alternator (the alternator maintains the battery’s charge, right?). AFAIK the battery can only provide a certain charge – if anything auxiliary such as an amp required more power than the battery could supply then it would either not work properly or the battery would die!

Am I right in the above?

I think the battery is only used when the engine isn't running, as soon as it starts, all electrics are run from the alternator+charging the battery if needed. Potentially ICE will damage the alternator because you are putting it under more strain............but we are talking 2/3 or even 4 amp's before you need to worrie!
Pat_986 said:
I think the battery is only used when the engine isn't running, as soon as it starts, all electrics are run from the alternator+charging the battery if needed. Potentially ICE will damage the alternator because you are putting it under more strain............but we are talking 2/3 or even 4 amp's before you need to worrie!

I'd guessed thay my one amp won't put a massive strain on the battery, especially when on a previous car I had 2 amps running in a 1.1 54bhp Punto which I guess would have a far smaller (and hence less extra capacity) alternator than my 2.0 172hp car!

Anyway, just off phone to dealer. The jist of it is that it's being replaced under warranty but they're recommending I don't connect my amp back up to it - if I do and the alternator fails again then they won't be warrantying it again! Oh well, anyone want to buy an amp? ;)
