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can you do this?

  Glacier White 197 Cup
if your get a insurance renewal quote which is quite high, can you finish with that policy then ring up the next day and start a fresh with the same company. cos my renewal is about £1200 and i have just gone on the same website that my policy is with, put all my details in the same except for a making myself a month younger and it came out at £800. It it ok to do this? cheers

ps. i have read post before about companies making renewals sky high cos they think u wont change.
  LY V6 with Recaros
Just call them up and tell them you did a quote from them for cheaper than their renewal! They cant not match it really. You don't need to cancel unless it's cheaper elsewhere.
  BMW M3
Yes, you can. Both my dad and I have done this.

Phoned them up, told them that the price as cheaper then the renewal and then matched it.

Its just to attract new customers... cheeky sods !!
