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Cancelling an O2 Contract

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  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I've got an O2 contract that runs out this month, if i want to cancel it rather than messing about sending letters and whatnot, on my online banking i can cancel direct debits, can i just cancel that O2 direct debit and then that'll stop it?


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I'd just phone them up, don't cancel just say i wanna go to PAYG then don't use it, pretty sure thats the easiest way.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
everywhere i read says you gotta write a letter, and the problem i have with ringing them etc is i have no bills or anything anywhere to get a reference number or anything off and i don't even know what the mobile number is for the phone anymore lol.

Whats actually gonna happen if i just cancel the direct debit.


They'll chase you for non-payment (and more than likely a black mark on credit rating) as contracts roll forward IIRC?
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They'll chase you for non-payment (and more than likely a black mark on credit rating) as contracts roll forward IIRC?

Yup. They'll send you letters, then send bailiffs.

Just call them. 'Sorry, I don't know my number'

They'll take your name, address, postcode or whatever and get your account that way.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
Next question, whats the right number to ring for this? Theres loads about on the internet and no idea which is the right 1.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
Theres loads of numbers for O2 and i don't wanna ring the wrong one then get sent through switchboards and tossed around their office because noone knows who i'm meant to be speaking to.

Are you being a r****d on purpose?

It just took me 15 seconds to find the number. I would post it but I don't want to.

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