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Cancelling policy with Elephant

Recently cancelled the policy with Elephant for my 172 now that I've bought a 350z (which is now insured with Admiral), everything went 'ok' - managed to bullsh*t my way out of the preposterous admin fee n all dat.

Just received a letter saying they want me to post off my Certificate of Motor Insurance in the pre-paid envelope that they oh-so kindly provided.

Now, I've not had to do this before so I'm not entirely sure what they're after - I don't have the Certificate of Motor Insurance on paper and it's not listed under the policy documents on their online portal for the 172's cancelled policy.

Can anyone confirm what's needed of me here please? x
I was hoping it wouldn't come to that :(

My levels of patience are extremely low with these mainstream insurance companies, really could do without a 30 minute phone call with "Andrea" who will probably still try to sell me wind cover for a cancelled policy..

The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
I know mate, i don't even want to go into the problems i've had with them. They really must pay the staff peanuts because the staff are f**king monkeys.
Isn't it standard practice to be asked to post your documents back to the insurer (so they can be destroyed presumably) when you cancel a policy? Leftover procedure from the old days when you could buy insurance, get the certificate, cancel insurance, get massive refund, then still carry the certificate around for tax/police if pulled over for the next 12 months.

Obviously completely redundant with the MID, but that's EUI for you...
  Clio 182
The most retarded thing about this is that Elephant and Admiral are the same company, so they could've just saved everyone time and hassle by matching the quote (assuming you told them you were going to Admiral)
  FF RB 182
I've cancelled 3 policies with Admiral in the past few months.. they've sent me this letter and a pre paid envelope and i haven't sent them back because i don't know where they are, and all the cars are SORN'd anyway. Nothings ever come of it.
I've cancelled 3 policies with Admiral in the past few months.. they've sent me this letter and a pre paid envelope and i haven't sent them back because i don't know where they are, and all the cars are SORN'd anyway. Nothings ever come of it.

The chap I sold the car to has (presumably) insured it as he's driving it about, so it's not as if the car is illegally sat on a drive somewhere uninsured.

Think I'll just leave it for a couple of weeks, if I don't hear anything I'll presume nothing's come of it.
  FF RB 182
Taken from the letter...

'We have cancelled your policy with effect from 31/01/2013.

You are duty bound to return any current certificate of Motor Insurance in your possession. If you fail to do so, you are guilty of an offence under section 147 of the Road Traffic Act. You can return any Certificates in your possession using the free post address below:'
Mine states:

'If you have not already done so already please send us your Certificate of Motor Insurance in the pre-paid envelope provided.

Failure to return the Certificate of Motor Insurance or to provide us with a Statutory Declaration of its loss or destruction is an offence under the Road Traffic Act 1988.'

Guess it's the same thing just worded slightly different, but I never printed it in the first place so presumably nothing to worry about.
  RS6 C7
Admiral / elephant / bell etc all match each others policies, Admiral quoted cheaper for my A3 than elephant but I simply rang elephant and they were able to match it as they're all the same company.
  Black 172
The request to return the certificate is not stupid. Its law as above.

If you keep the cert and then crash the vehicle after its cancelled the insurer could be held liable as Road Traffic Act insurer. It matters not what company your with now. The fact youve possibly still got a cert which you can wave at someone if your involved in an accident is the problem. Call them and ask them to send you a lost certificate declaration. If they get that theyre off the hook and will be happy.
check your phone bill first mine was 20 quid over and when i checked i was on the phone to admiral for about 40 min renewing my policy all there selling bullshit cost me 20 quid con now i call them and tell them to call me back


ClioSport Club Member
Don't you get a message on your mobile before it rings saying "Calls to this number are not free of charge from a mobile phone"? Or is this just something that I get from O2?
When you first get your policy with them, they send you an email with a certificate of insurance which you have to print off yourself along with other insurance details...

I think they mean that.
  Clio 182
This lot really are a mess. Renewal through from Admiral a couple of days ago - £470. Try the first comparison website that comes into my head, top of the list is Elephant - £290 :rolleyes:
