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Car cleaning

  Clio 1.2 16V tomtom 3dr
The carpet inside my car could do with a good clean because there is a bit sand in there off the beach and generally messy ... What can I buy / use to get too the akward spaces ? ..

Priced a full valet today and it would b £45, Im not working at the moment so I were thinking if i went over halfords " i could get a few cleaning things " for that amount of money...

Its only the interior carpet thats giving me a headache !!

Any suggestions ?



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
we have a car detailing forum. hence why the thread has moved from gc to there.

give it a good vacuum then shampoo it with some interior stuff and use a brush to agitate it a bit. then hoovr again maybe?

just give it a whirl tbh. i am sure there will be someone who has uch better knowledge than me.
  Clio 1.2 16V tomtom 3dr
we have a car detailing forum. hence why the thread has moved from gc to there.

give it a good vacuum then shampoo it with some interior stuff and use a brush to agitate it a bit. then hoovr again maybe?

just give it a whirl tbh. i am sure there will be someone who has uch better knowledge than me.

Did u mean a touth brush for the akward areas ?
  120d M Sport
Doesn't have to be a tooth brush. In halfords they sell the Meguairs interior brush, that would be ideal. Use that with another product available from Halfords; Autoglym interior shampoo and as as seb said spray, agitate then extract with a vacuum/ wet vac


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
The only way to get sand out of carpet is to get it wet.

If its still there after its all dried, dye the carpet black. It willl come up better than new. Trust me. I have pics to prove! lol.
