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Car cut out completly

So braking hard coming from 100 marbels to a roundabout the car just cut out as i came onto the roundabout, was in the right gear 3rd doing 40ish. Had been giving the car a bit of a drive but i have done many times before, if not a lot harder and never anything like this.

The car just cut out completly but immediatly turned back on, with a bunch of 000000's on the display.....

Any ideas?????

  RARE Unmolested Corsa sxi
ive had this before. only happend once. I was going about at about 30mph and it just died for 2 seconds and when i came back on, everything including the stereo was reset.

Has not happend since and im as stumped as you. lol.
glad im not alone... and yeah so weird, kinda scared me as it was completly dark and i was entering a roundabout, but before i could think it came back on....:S
Think its just looses/inaddiquite battery connectins that i had, as it wouldnt start at all this morning but would after some playing.... at garage now so will see.
  RARE Unmolested Corsa sxi
it may be battery connections. but ive had my battery changed since then, so ill never know what caused it.

Keep us updated....
Yeah, going to get it in a min so will let you know how it is, but tbh im 100% that its connections as it cut out diriving on the way to the garage this morning, so cant be started motor and all the dials stuck where they were till terminals were messed with. Strange as the terminals have been on months and i've never had a problem.
