a few months back my key fell apart, I managed to put it back together using the plastic casing from another key and since then it has worked 90% of the time, intermittently not starting first time (red led light on the dash flashing)
Now strangely it just does this everytime I turn the key, so so annoying! The car is now just sitting there totally immobile.
Does anyone know of a company that can copy transponder keys? I have all the bits still. I have heard that copies can be made for these cars (mk2 clio)
a few months back my key fell apart, I managed to put it back together using the plastic casing from another key and since then it has worked 90% of the time, intermittently not starting first time (red led light on the dash flashing)
Now strangely it just does this everytime I turn the key, so so annoying! The car is now just sitting there totally immobile.
Does anyone know of a company that can copy transponder keys? I have all the bits still. I have heard that copies can be made for these cars (mk2 clio)