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Car won't start


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Last few days, everyone now and again, it will take a couple of attempts to start. This time .. nothing. Had to push / pull/ swear at/ push the damn thing out of the way of the garage so Dad could get the Caterham out.

Engine turns over .. but doesnt fire. Can't hear fuel pump arming.

Things I cant find include fuel pump, fuse for pump, or any enthusiasm for Frenchness on a Saturday afternoon.


<pathetic mode>

Help ?


ClioSport Moderator
TDC sensor? If you know where it is, take it out, clean it off, if it starts first time, then it's prob that, still may need a new one, car can be started by wiggling it then turning it over though! ;)


Fuel pump is part of the sender unit on the tank isn't it? Under the rear bench?

If it isn't priming the pump then surely it wouldn't be the TDC sensor??


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Inertia switch not active. Tried that (a few times :dapprove: )

TDC got a wiggle for luck but to no avail.

Fuel pump relay, according to that F4R workshop manual .pdf from teh internetz, is next to the immobiliser one ?! swapping them all about achieves the same turning over / not arming fuel and therefore not firing ! :dapprove:

Multimeter on fuel pump suggests no power getting to it.

Its now beer o'clock on Sat eve so there is no hope but to sit it out til the morning, and somehow attempt to get a relay from a parts place in't morning ?!

Cheers anyway guys.

Maybe I'll just set fire to the f**ker. :dead:
  172 Cup (Iceberg)
TDC sensor? If you know where it is, take it out, clean it off, if it starts first time, then it's prob that, still may need a new one, car can be started by wiggling it then turning it over though! ;)

Slightly different but . .

I had a 309 GTi back in the day and near the end of its life the damned thing would always struggle to start. However, if you bounced the suspension and got the engine rocking a little then tried, it used to start like a dream! Can't remember who told me about this method but to this day I have no idea how it started after doing this!!


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Could an earth wire have came loose somewhere.

One of the options .. but ..



I think I shall retire until morning. It's getting cold, dinner is in the oven, it's dark, we're wearing sunglasses and it's six hours to .....

Oh wait that's the Blues Brothers :eek:

I've lost the plot.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
For sh*ts and giggles, I have cleaned the crank sensor now .. what a sod to get to. Still not arming fuel.

Tried charging battery as it was suggested elsewhere, this could be the problem, but still not doing anything.

Does anyone know exactly where the fuel relay is ?! Why couldnt this have died on my week off !
  Megane dci 130
Look in the r34 connector (white coneector) in the fuse box behind the passenger headlight. Check for rotten/broken wires, corroded connections.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Replaced all 3 relays under the bonnet. One is for fuel pump .. not too sure what the other two do, but after ten years in the outside world, they all looked pretty fluffy and corroded.

Worth replacing, for £10 from RS plus £5 postage ... ordered yesterday afternoon, arrived on door by DHL at 9:10 this morning.

3x RS Stock code: 535-2542 @ £2.80 each +vat
15A SPCO 12v relay


Hope this helps someone someday :)

  Clio 182ff
Thanks loads to the OP for this tip - had the same problem (turns over, but won't start), ordered the same RS switches in the link and they bloody fixed it...awesome!

Replaced all 3 relays under the bonnet. One is for fuel pump .. not too sure what the other two do, but after ten years in the outside world, they all looked pretty fluffy and corroded.

Worth replacing, for £10 from RS plus £5 postage ... ordered yesterday afternoon, arrived on door by DHL at 9:10 this morning.

3x RS Stock code: 535-2542 @ £2.80 each +vat
15A SPCO 12v relay


Hope this helps someone someday :)


Holy thread bump batman.

That part number relates to a 30A relay Rob, can you confirm if it's 15A that's correct or the part number that's correct, or if in fact it make a blind bit of difference.

The shed is having intermitted starting issues, need to check relays, TDC and immobiliser.

<3 the shed... don't care if it breaks lol! Happy motoring.
Can I what, Mr Wickwicky ??!

Let me just check my DeLorean.. going to 2009..... BRB......

Yeah of you could to that please mate....

15A or 30A relay?

Mine no worky. Yours is fixxy (in 2009).

Do yooouuuu underrrstttand the wordddss that are coming out of my moouuuthhhh....?


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Not the foggiest dude. I can't tell you what I did yesterday, let alone something that happened in 2009.

Take yours out .. look at it .. read the label .. replace with equal one...?

This is Renault + electrical issues... your car was built on a different day so it's possibly not even got any relays.
Lovely jubbly.

Rather than do that, I'll drive it til it breaks and kick it when it won't start.

Everyone's a winner.
