Need some advice.
This morning was driving down the M3 at 2:55. was doing around about 90 when i noticed a car catch me up really fast. So stupid me goes flat out for another mile going up to like 115. Pull in coz this car look pretty close only for them to go past and put the blue lights on a pull me over on the hard shoulder.
Got out the car and he asked me to sit in there traffic car. Now they said all the usually like do u no the speed limit blah blah. then he wrote me a 7 dat wonder but didnt give me a ticket for the speeding.. They didnt show me the video and i only signed the producer ticket. Also he said that he was 50metres away from me which doing 100 in the rain surly isnt a safe stopping distance.
I know i was in the wrong speeding in the first place but i would rather get home quick than fall asleep at the wheel as i was well tiered.
Anyone got any advice for me as they said im probably looking at a years ban. This is my first driving offence if thats anything.