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Changing a 8v head for a 16v head phase 1 clio

  1.2 mk2 renault clio
Just wundering as my brother brought this idea to light if i could change my 8v head on my phase 1 clio to a phase 2 16v head as i have one sitting about doubt anyone has experience but any information of the two engines would be very helpful (both are 1.2 engines)


ClioSport Club Member
  Monaco172, Green1.2
Just stick a scond hand 8V lump in sell up and buy a 1.216V etc its less hatle.

A phase 2 has an electric throttle body and some different looms. You'd have to resuse the phase 1 throttle body.

A full phase 2 1.2 16V conversion would requre the whole looms UCH fitment etc and for the work a 172 conversion would take just as long. The phase 2 1.2 16V would fit though the problem would be the ECu and wiring looms unless you use the phase 1 looms (extended as necessary) and have the phase 1 ECU remapped since it won't be right for the phase 2 1.2 engine.

Insurance wise you'd need to tell them its a 16V not a 8V engine and inform the DVLA of the engine fabriocation number change.
