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changing rear break pads

  clio 172
Hi everyone,

could anyone give me some advice on changing my rear brake pads, i have a 2002 clio 172. i attempted to change them last night, i managed to remove the worn pads, but there wasn't enough room to slide the new pads in. am i right in thinkinh that the break piston should slide back to create more space. but it won't budge am i missing something??

cheers :S
  Cupra 300 ST 4drive
the piston needs to be wound in, i used screwdriver across the groove, clockwise if i remember.
  clio 172
lol must be easy whe you know how to do it.

thanks mate i'll give it ago, is it the same with the front as well??

  Cupra 300 ST 4drive
no fronts just slide , cap off master cyl. and clamped caliper to get enough space for new pads
