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Check Out My Gear Speeds.....

I am not to sure whether these are a bit low are what...

1st - 25mhp

2nd - 53mhp

3rd - 77mhp

4th - 104mhp

5th - Never done over 110mhp

These seem ok or a little low?
  Burgandy 174 sport t

my 172 will only do j

us over 90 in 3rd

jus over 110 in 4th

and then I bottled it at 130 in 5th

If I remember correctly, my valver would hit close to 40 in first up to the limiter, then about 57 ish in 2nd. cant remember the other gears, but 90 in 3rd sounds about right.

Dont know what it could be though. Bet it gets to 60 bloody quickly though. Could it be the diff?



well i know the gear box has been changed before i had it and it cost well over £500 so im not sure if hes not another one in it or not.......would that explain it?

yes standard phase 2 wheels , what difference wot it make if it was a RSI or willy box? Would it be better or worse?

Pluss and Miniuss

RSi box is shorter geared. it wont have a willy box in it as its pretty much the same as the valver box apart from a few things but you should still hit higher in gear speeds with it.
  Revels Mum & Sister

Was going to say the Willy Engine doesnt hit 60Mph in second

My standard valver will hit just over 60 in second gear. Push it till it nearly hits the limiter. Should eak a few more MPH out of it!

the willy engine doesnt hit 60 in 20nd because the limiter is set at 6500. raise it and it would.

check he number on the box Mark, should be JB3
  Revels Mum & Sister

Quote: Originally posted by DeanRSi on 25 March 2004

the willy engine doesnt hit 60 in 20nd because the limiter is set at 6500. raise it and it would.

check he number on the box Mark, should be JB3
Yeah I was referring to a Standard Willy and Valver

just looking bak over my service history for the car from the previous owner to see if it had anything about the gear box in there ,

The full service was £1,558.74! (There are many more recipets this price)

New Clutch and new gearbox were fitted - Full Clutch & re-con gearbox

Clutch @ £114 & Gearbox @ £515

This help...?
  Titanium 182

most likey its had the wrong ratios put in mate

i wouldnt worry tho

in theory shorter the ratio quicker accel

if the car still goes ok then leave it

or chip it and raise the rev limiter

When you say red lining it, what revs are you actually doing (i.e. is it hitting the limiter)? It could be that youre not pushing it as hard as it could go..... :D
  Focus ST

I dont really trust any of the gauges in my valver. Id take the readings with a pinch of salt, as I very much doubt they are that accurate. Ive no idea about first as Ill always be looking at the revs, just under 60 in 2nd, 90 in 3rd, 110 in 4th, never maxed it in 5th. However, my speedo wobbles as certain speeds, and the rev counter sticks occasionally which doesnt exactly fill me with confidence!

  Fiat Coupe 20v turbo

Williams Box and circa 7300 rev limit.

2nd - 60-62
3rd - 85-89
4th - 110-114
5th - Never seen more than 135 at around 6.6k
  Fiat Coupe 20v turbo

Rev limit on a 16v should be around 7300rpm as standard if your is lower somethings wrong. Your speeds seem a little low, maybe not a 16v box?


ClioSport Club Member

Mine limits dead on 7k. Is that not right?

Heres my rough speeds through the gears:-

First - 38-39 mph

Second - 68mph

Third - 96mph

Forth - 118-119mph

Fifth - had 136mph but not its limit!

I cant understand how some un-modified 16Vs can get to 70 in second and some only 60. I know cars differ from one to another but 10mph difference in one gear is a lot isnt it ??

Somethings not right then, if say 5mph can be gained just in 1st, another 10mph in second, surely some valvers would be 0-100 in about 12 seconds ! Or am I missing something ?


ClioSport Club Member

Just cus some get more in more gears - doesnt mean they get there quicker!

What does a standard valvers limiter come in at? Mines 7k on the nose!
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

mines same as yours 1.8_16v_clio

although on occasion it has revved well past the limiter. fuk knows how!
  300bhp MR2 Turbo

Quote: Originally posted by 1.8_16v_Clio on 26 March 2004

Just cus some get more in more gears - doesnt mean they get there quicker!

What does a standard valvers limiter come in at? Mines 7k on the nose!
7,200 rpm.
