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Only gone and got chewing gum on my seats :dapprove: god knows how, think i must hav sat in it at the pub or sumthin any ideas how to get it out? Its in on the drivers seat pretty matted in (cloth seats)
Btw, if you want to get rid of chewing gum on clothes, just put your clothes in the freezer and let it get frozen. Then you'll be able to get the gum out
Rob WTF u crazy mofo!!!! aparently vinagar works cos it like liqufies it but confirm it b4 u try an u might look for another method b4 cos make ur new car smell of it badly
or me mum no don't put vinigar on it, just said get ice on it put some in a zip lock bag an wait till it gets cold den its all hard n u can scrape it off quite easily