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Clean cars?

  Clio Extreme 1.2
I see a lot of people on here and their cars are spotless, my old 106 was basicly a banger to get 1 years NCB and now I got a car I actually like i keep noticing little bits like tiny black marks that wont shift tried pretty much everything, since buying it i've washed it every week (in Jan -.-) but them little marks wont come off.

I think their bits of tar that's flicked up over the years (52 plate)?

Any fixes?
I can get pictures of the bits that bother me the most if it would help.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Hi, you were close, but next time try the detailing section.. ;)

Probably tar as mentioned.

Give it a wash (properly) - Tardis - Iron-X - Clay - polish (if req'd) - Seal - LSP (last stage protection) i.e.: wax.

It'll be just fine :cool:
  Clio Extreme 1.2
Hi, you were close, but next time try the detailing section.. ;)

Probably tar as mentioned.

Give it a wash (properly) - Tardis - Iron-X - Clay - polish (if req'd) - Seal - LSP (last stage protection) i.e.: wax.

It'll be just fine :cool:

Haha thanks I did look around and thought this looks like the right section. ^^

Thanks to everyone for the fast answers will try this and get it looking good again. :)
  Clio 172
Putty clay will get it off with water then if you can afford it get some swissfax wax that will stop the tar from getting on the body work and sticking
