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cleaning knob

as the topic says

a mate of mine has spilled coca-cola in my car and some of it has got into the grooves of my gear knob

does anyone have any methods of cleaning the gear knob?




How about a tooth brush with some fairy liquid?

Or you could get someone to suck it out? :eek:

Oh god did I really just type that!!:oops:

good thinking with the tooth brush

now where has my flatmate left his toothbrush?

sucking is not an option rod



I got some in a Playstation 2 pad at work the other day. They are un usable when sticky so I had to get it to bits to clean that.

Quote: Originally posted by Rod Street on 01 July 2003

Or you could get someone to suck it out? :eek:

Oh god did I really just type that!!:oops:
rod riod rod *shakes head in disapproval* stooped to a new low mate

(picture the scence) rod : "hi im rod do you mind coming over head and givin my knob a dam good sucking?"

sllllaaaaaaaaapppppppppp !!!!!!!!!!! lol

its alright i wasnt actually interested in a job, but if you get to play on ps2s at work, what a job :D

loony, you two seem to think along the same lines, have you tried the line yet?



Its in my contract that the boss gets to beat my ass at Pro Evo Soccer 2 at lunch time!!! "Let the Wookie win" scenario :eek:
