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Clio 1.2 Alarm

I have a new 2005 Clio 1.2 (Extreme 4) and am thinking of getting an alarm for it. I see the dealers are charging £500 for the alarm to be fitted in their parts list so what aftermarket is best? I would like something that works from the same keyfob as the standard imobilser & c/l key.

Any suggestions?

(Did a search on here but couldnt find anything about using the same key fob)
  1.6 focus zetec....

I think youll find you wont be able to use the same key fob as its only programmed up to your current alarm/immobiliser (excuse my spelling), not quite sure so the brains in this club might be able to tell you more!

Also i would go for a clifford concept 650 for £350 fitted....see max power for more details.

  Ford Fiesta

the renault alarms cat 1 fitted in your original fob are £300 from renault dealers.
