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Clio 200 Anthracite Pack Colour Code?

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Does anyone know it? Snickers in the post (when it's cooled down) to anyone who knows it :eek:


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
LOL, at least he appears to have remembered again!

It gets worse every time I look at it, virtually a write-off tbh


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
I disagree and assume you're taking the piss.

I'd think differently if the front blade was completely fucked and all the wheels needed a refurb (they are still brand new, like the rest of the car) because if I was to paint the blade black, I would obviously need to do the mirrors, diffuser and wheels.

So in summary, touch-up some paint or paint all those bits on car that won't be here much longer? I know what I'm going to do.


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
'I' didn't, as I've never driven into stationery objects at 1 mph

Luke on the other hand, managed to come into contact with a plant pot on his own drive. Don't let children drive grown-up cars
